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Voeux 2021
Best wishes 2021 !

May this New Year be full with art and discovery!

Julien DRACH’s “Still Life Polaroid” exhibition runs until January 23, as part of PHOTO DAYS.

A bright and captivating work that will enchant your daily life.

We wish you a wonderful year 2021!

Couv A Look At 2020
A look at 2020

2020 … a special year …

Arcturus welcomed Gabriel SCHMITZ and the exhibition “Le Pas Suspendu” (after two months of waiting), and a new artist of the gallery, Julien DRACH for his exhibition “Still Life Polaroid” (after a month of waiting).

The ARCTURUS Gallery is closing its doors for the winter holidays, from December 24, 2020 to January 06, 2021.

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Drach Photo Days 2
“Still Life Polaroid”, photographs by Julien Drach to discover !

The first exhibition of photographer Julien DRACH is presented at the Galerie ARCTURUS, as part of PHOTO DAYS from December 8, 2020 to January 23, 2021.

“In this series « Still life Polaroid » the starting point of each shot is a staging inspired by a beautiful set of Italian vases found by the artist, against a background of his own photos of abstract walls that evoke paintings; walls marked by the erosion of time and of course Italy, one of the photographer’s primary sources of inspiration.”

A fine, poetic and luminous work to come and discover !

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2020 Rouverture 1
Let’s meet at the Arcturus Gallery from November 28!

We are very happy to see you again from Saturday November 28 at the ARCTURUS Gallery with a varied proposal to please you.
Paintings, photographs, sculptures :
Alejandro QUINCOCES, Gottfried SALZMANN, Tim HALL, Alfons ALT, Gabriel SCHMITZ, Lidia MASLLORENS.
Oil on canvas, watercolor on paper, bronze, pigment print on paper, oil on wood, acrylic on paper.

P.S : Julien DRACH’s “Still Life Polaroid” exhibition will be held from December 8 to January 23.

008 Polaroids Drach 1
Julien Drach Exhibition … Lockdown

Arcturus Gallery will be closed during act 2 of the confinement, Julien DRACH’s exhibition is postponed.

waiting for brighter days, you can discover the photographs in preview here:
Julien DRACH – Still Life Polaroid

While waiting to meet you, we remain at your disposal by email and on social networks, we are available to communicate and discuss the works of Julien DRACH or those of other artists in the gallery!

We wish you the best for the weeks to come.

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Pari Affiche Fr B
Art week -Le Pari (s)

Every year in October, Paris welcomes the whole world to the rhythm of art. This year, the Comité des Galeries d’Art makes the PARI(S) of a unifying communication for the art week of October 19 to 25.

In Greater Paris, nearly 200 galleries responded to the call to participate in the Nocturne des Galeries on Thursday, October 22, for which the CPGA is pleased to partner this year with FIAC and the opening on Sunday, October 25.

The gallery ARCTURUS will be open Thursday 22 October until 20h and Sunday 25 October from 14:30 to 18:30

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Schmitz Rencontre 1a
Meeting with Gabriel Schmitz – exhibition’s last days

The exhibition “Le Pas suspendu” continues until September 19.
We invite you to meet Gabriel SCHMITZ:

  • Vernissage in small groups on the evenings of Thursday 17th and Friday 18th September
    To reserve your time slot: Click here


  • Face to face in the afternoon of Thursday 17th or Friday 18th September.
    To book your time slot: Click here


  • Café-biscuit on Saturday, September 19, throughout the afternoon, from 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.


We are happy to see you again for this artistic return


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Putman Ang1 1
We are happy to come back !

We are happy to see you back for an exciting and stimulating artistic return !
From September 10 at the usual times.

Painting, Sculpture, Photography!

Peter Zupnik Anima 1
Peter ZUPNIK at Galerie Mesta, Levoca, Slovakia

This exhibition in his hometown of Levoca features photographs from the 1980s to the present day. Each of the animal-themed photographs, like Župník’s other projects, only reaffirms the artist’s varying ability to see the world around us.
Curator: Ela Porubänová (curator of the Miloš Alexander Bazovský gallery project in Trenčín)

Exhibition: August 26 – September 25, 2000

4131 Looking For Barbara Loden
Gabriel SCHMITZ, “Le pas suspendu”, until September 15

We are happy to finally present you “Le Pas Suspendu”,
exhibition of recent works by Gabriel SCHMITZ.

An ode to humans, to the grace of bodies, to movements,
In suspended time, with calm and silent breathing.

To discover from June 26 to September 15.

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Actualite Visitons Nos Galeries 1 1
A new selection from Arcturus gallery, from June 11 to 14

Saint-Germain-des-Prés’s Galleries federate and offer the operation “Visitons nos Galeries”.
Anne de la Roussière welcomes you to share her passion for art and make you discover the Arcturus gallery’s artists.
A great opportunity to (re)discover the emotion that comes from real contact with art and the dialogue that surrounds it.

We look forward to sharing with you!

#VisitonsNosGaleries #VisitOurGalleries
From June 11 (night until 9 p.m.) to June 14 (opening from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.).

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New York 14eme Rue 1967 B 4
Reopening of the gallery by appointment, 7 days on 7 !


We hope that you and your loved ones are doing well and that this unprecedented period has allowed you to refocus on the essentials, of which everyday art is of course a part!

We are very happy to be able to meet you on rue de Seine by appointment at a time that suits you. A new hanging of the artists of the gallery is to be discovered.

For your well-being and safety, we will provide you with hydro-alcoholic gel and ask you to come in masqued ball outfit !

After the virtual journey with ARCTURUS, make way for the emotion of direct contact with the works, and the joy of exchange. And to support artists and their galleries ….

Confinement 1 4
Message after one month in quarantine

Message from Anne de la Roussière : Travel with ARCTURUS !

We have been living in this surprising and suspended time for 1 month. After unbelief and amazement, concern for each one of us, admiration for health professionals and anonymous workers who allow us to live in isolation, comes the time to try to be master of time, to think about living on the daily basis in the essentials and imagine the next world.

We do not know what the next world will be, and we believe that good developments will emerge from this unprecedented crisis.

What I know, what I believe, what I have supported for more than 20 years with ARCTURUS (and even before!), is that art is essential to our life, to our humanity, to our deep well-being; the works come to give meaning, depth and richness to our lives. In the next world, this search for deep well-being through art will have an even more central place.

You have probably experienced the fact that observing a painting or a sculpture moves you, excites you, makes you vibrate, makes you dream, transforms you, soothes you. And by looking at the same work every day, you discover nuances, materials, lights, new vibrations. This is what I wish to transmit to you in these difficult times: let us cultivate this look towards art, towards contemporary art as close as possible to each one, towards the living art of our time!

This is what I wish to transmit to you in these difficult times : let us cultivate this look towards art, towards contemporary art as close as possible to everyone, towards the living art of our time!

While waiting to meet us on Rue de Seine, take care of yourself and your loved ones, live life to the fullest surrounded by works of art.

And travel on our website!

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Diapositive2 1
Arcturus gallery is in quarantine

We are in quarantine with art that beautifies life and transforms the world, and with you on internet and social networks.
While waiting to meet you rue de Seine, we are active and listening to you by email or on social networks, LinkedinInstagram and Facebook.

We are available to communicate about gallery’s artists.

Take care !

2020 Anne De La Roussiere Il Fallait Oser Midplus
Anne de la Roussière interviewed by Mid & Plus magazine

Thanks to Michèle Robach and Mid & Plus for this great meeting.

“It’s pleasant to stroll through certain districts of Paris and in particular the 6th arrondissement where, near the prestigious School of Fine Arts, contemporary art continues to flourish in its great diversity. There, in the number 65 rue de Seine, Anne de la Roussière has just celebrated the 20th anniversary of her gallery Arcturus: a judicious choice of living artists whose originality is that they are mostly European.”

Read more (in french) …

Photo Herve 1 1
A choice from the Arcturus gallery

Lidia Masllorens, Litho n°11, Digital print enhanced with handbrushed acrylic.Marta Moreu, Diosa de la creacion, Bronze; Nina sobre cabra III, Bronze
Alejandro Quincoces, Luz de mañana NY, Oil on wood; Structure bajo la lluvia, Oil on canvas

Also with: Gottfried Salzmann, Alfons Alt, Thibaut de Reimpré, Marc Riboud, Hervé Gloaguen, Peter Zupnik.

Collective exhibition to discover.
Until March 14th at the Arcturus Gallery.

2020 Carte De Voeu Rognee
Best wishes 2020

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We wish you a happy new year 2020 !          ⭐

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2019 A Look At 5
A look at 2019

A great year for the Arcturus Gallery, marked by our 20 years and exciting exhibitions!
Our 20 years were an opportunity to organize a party to celebrate the artists, thank customers and friends,
greet the collaborators and journalists who accompanied us on this great adventure

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Petits Formats Grandes Emotions 2 1 1
Christmas exhibition : small works, great emotions !

Give your loved ones great emotions with small works by our artists.


Gabriel Schmitz, Fur die Katz, 2019, Oil on canvas

Tim Hall, Dune XIV, 2004, Black and white toned sepia gelatin silver print

Marc Riboud, Douves d’Angkor Vat, 1969, black and white silver print


Paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, are to be discovered rue de Seine or on this website.


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Livre 50 Ans De Photos Gloaguen 1
Publication : Hervé Gloaguen is one of the photographers put forward by Michel Poivert in “50 ans de photographie française – de 1970 à nos jours”
Hervé GLOAGUEN, photographer of the contemporary French scene participates in the work of Michel Poivert,

The photograph “Les baigneuses, Suède, 1974” is in the spotlight,

The Arcturus Gallery offers this picture of the artist … and many others!

Photomania – Five photographers in the spotlight

Five photographers, five careers, five techniques, five talents

Alfons ALT

A selection of photographs to discover at the Arcturus Gallery
November 5 to 28, 2019



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Octobre 2019
New hanging of the gallery artists

Collective exhibition,
Strong works to discover !

Lidia MASLLORENS, “Litho n ° 9”, 2017, Digital print enhanced with handbrushed acrylic

Juliette LOSQ, “Limina”, 2013, Ink and watercolor on paper

Tony SOULIE, “Untitled”, 1998, Mixed media on photo

Until Saturday, November 2nd.

Alejandro Quincoces’s Exhibition – Until October 12

Oils on wood by Alejandro QUINCOCES are exhibited until October 12 at the ARCTURUS Gallery.
“In line with its predilection for Spanish contemporary painting developped since 20 years, Arcturus Gallery is pleased to present the fourth personnal exhibition in Paris of the painter Alejandro QUINCOCES.
This artist born in Bilbao in 1951, with an unusual path, had a passion from an early age as much for music as for painting. He began his studies of Fine Arts at the age of 36, and quickly gets a real recognition in Spain with many awards, and presence in many collections. He is also exhibited regularly in Europe and the United States.”

Come discover this dazzling work!

4083 Quincoces
Opening Thrusday September 17 : Alejandro Quincoces presents his “New Paintings”

An abstract line to represent the urban space, a soft and poetic light that evokes different times of the day and the seasons, a vibrant material that gives substance to the work.
Personal exhibition of the Spanish artist Alejandro QUINCOCES – From September 17 to October 12, 2019


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Logo 2019
A sunday at the gallery : Arcturus opens Sunday, September 15th


Organized by the Professional Committee of Art Galleries, “A Sunday at the Gallery” celebrates its 5th edition,

The gallery opens its doors from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.!

Come and stroll in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, discover the new hanging « Le papier dans tout ses état » at the Arcturus Gallery.

Photographs by Marc Riboud and Hervé Gloaguen, lithographs by Lidia Masllorens, watercolors by Gottfried Salzmann, drawings by Nieves Salzmann, resin-pigment types by Alfons Alt.


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