Born in Cordegada (Spain), in 1979
Ivan FRANCO expresses himself in two distinct ways: the polaroid series, an infinitely delicate work of oil painting on tiny canvas (10x10cm) with the precious spirit of the illuminations; drawings in pencil, on paper of 1 square meter with a precision that could evoke by far a photo and that reveals of close an impressive subtlety. In both cases, he plays confusion with photography, appearance and reality.
In front of paintings by Ivan FRANCO one must stop, take time to really look at the work. The feeling is elegance, sobriety and mystery. The image is timeless and equivocal, time is suspended.
He has received a lot of painting prizes in Spain and starting to be exhibited in Europe.


2003 : Bachelor of Fine Arts, University of Vigo, speciality of Painting
2018 : « Ho », Piramidon, Centre d’Art Contemporani, Barcelona, Spain
2017 : « Contact Sheet », Galeria Miquel Alzueta, Barcelona, Spain
2015 : « Verdadero & Falso », Galeria Miquel Alzueta, Barcelona, Spain
2014 : « Ideografías », Galeria Portal 48, Pontevedra, Spain
2009 : « Significantes Simulados », Puerto de la Cruz, Spain
France : Paris (Galerie Binôme, Galerie Arcturus)
Spain : Barcelona (Pigment Gallery, Piramidon, Centre d’Art Contemporani, Centro de arte Tecla Sala, MEAM, Fundació Fran Daurel), Ferrol (Galería Sargadelos), Madrid (Galería Miquel Alzueta, Casa América, Palacio de Fernán Núñez, Museo Casa de la Moneda), Pontevedra (Galeria Portal 48, Pazo de Cultura, Museo de Pontevedra, Teatro principal de Pontevedra), Reus (Galeria Arloft), Santiago de Compostela (Galería Metro, Auditorio de Galicia)
Britain : BP Portrait Award, National Portrait Gallery, Londres ; Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edimbourg ; Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter
France : Art Paris Art Fair, Paris ; Art Élysées, Paris; Slick Art Fair, Paris
Spain : ArtMadrid ; 25 Al Quadrat, Barcelona ; Bienal Im-Port-Art Ex-Port-Art, Tarragone ; XI Bienal Pintor Laxeiro, Lalin ; Salón De Otoño De Pintura, Fundación Caixa Galicia, La Corogne
2015 : International Portrait Award « Mod-Portrait » (honorable mention), Bantierra Bank, Zaragoza
2014 : International Portrait Award « Mod-Portrait » (honorable mention), Bantierra Bank, Zaragoza
2012 : Maria Josepa Giner Prize, Galeria Anquin’s, Reus
2011 : Photography Prize section Art Plastic (honorable mention), University of Murcia ; Award Roberto Villagraz (finalist), School of photography EFTI, Madrid
2010 : Painting Competition (2nd prize), Municipal library of House, La Coruna
2008 : Competition of paintings and figurative sculptures, Barcelona ; Regional Photography award « Cajas de Ahorros » Canary, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
2007 : Sport Photography Award, Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle
2006 : Figurative Painting Competition, Barcelona
2005 : Art Competition “ Maxo Arte” (1st prize), Puerto del Rosario, Canary
2004 : Art Competition “ Maxo Arte” (1st prize), Puerto del Rosario, Canary
2001 : Art Competition “ Maxo Arte” (2nd prize), Puerto del Rosario, Canary
1998 : Art Competition “ Maxo Arte” (2nd prize), Puerto del Rosario, Canary