For Marc Riboud, the year 1967 will remain that of “The Young Girl with a Flower”.
Fifty years after the famous photo of “La jeune fille à la fleur”, here is the book “La jeune fille à la fleur, Histoire d’une photographie”, published by Le Seuil.
This book, prefaced by Jan Rose Kasmir and accompanied by a text by Philippe Séclier, will show the color version of the famous photo, contact sheet and other images of the demonstration before and after this “decisive moment”
“1967. The Vietnam War gets bogged down. In the United States, pacifists are increasingly vocal. They decide to challenge President Lyndon Johnson by meeting on October 21 in Washington DC, around the Lincoln Memorial basin. They are about 100,000. At the end of the day, half of them head for the Pentagon. Photographer Marc Riboud made the trip. He is one of the few European photojournalists to be on site, and suddenly he seizes a surprising face-to-face: a 17-year-old young woman, Jan Rose Kasmir, approaches the row of rifles with bayonets , a flower in hand. The photograph, taken at dusk, will go around the world. The girl with a flower is one of those images that has a story” …